April 07, 2005
Missed Opportunity
Looks like I missed a good time this week, just down the road: I am in Colorado Springs with our affiliate group Citizens for Peace in Space protesting the 21st annual Space Symposium at the fancy Broadmoor Hotel. Over 6,000 military personnel and aerospace industry types are gathering to plan for war in space.First Afghanistan, then Iraq, now...Space! Well, it seems perfectly reasonable to me -- if you're going to have a doctrine of preemptive action to prevent the spread of WMD, space is the place to go. The place is littered with the the things -- we need to round them up and put them to good, peaceful uses. The theme of the protest was the symposium is a weapons of mass destruction arms bazar and that those attending practice "Group think."I don't see the connection between the two elements of the theme, myself, but I'm sure to them it was quite droll. A street theatre group had made a replica of a satellite and four people with eye glasses covered in dollar signs, $$, went round and round the satellite chanting "Group think, group think" in a dull tone.What protest would be complete without a papier mache puppet and protestors chanting dully? ...It was quite good and the conference attendees had a good look at it.And no doubt a few laughs, as well. ...Today we go back to the symposium for more vigiling [is that even a word? -- Ed.] and then tonight I speak in Denver. On Wednesday I will be in Boulder to speak. Back home on Thursday.Sigh. Looks like I missed my opportunity to see Bruce in person -- oh, what a fun post a live appearance would have yielded. Maybe next time. Posted by T.L. James on April 7, 2005 09:32 PM Comments
Ouch! Kinda like finding out you slept right through Christmas, huh? Posted by: Carl Carlsson at April 8, 2005 09:34 PM They just want into space for the oil. They probably want to build a pipeline from the moon to Crawford Texas. Posted by: Ryan Scott at April 12, 2005 11:13 PM |