July 28, 2005
New to the Blogroll
Added Brian Dunbar's Space for Commerce. I only bother to challenge Bruce Gagnon on his ignorance on space issues -- Brian, on the other hand, has much broader tastes in this regard, even challenging Mr. Gagnon on his own site (sadly, but predictably, without response). Brian's email exchange with Mr. Gagnon is particularly illuminating, confirming my suspicion that the man is not merely anti-space but anti-human. ![]() Comments
Brian's email exchange with Mr. Gagnon is particularly illuminating, confirming my suspicion that the man is not merely anti-space but anti-human. I'm not sure about that; when I'm feeling charitable my opinion is that, well, God bless his heart, he has good intentions but he's working from a flawed premise. Posted by: Brian at July 29, 2005 09:51 PM It's all in how you read him, I guess. His comments in your email exchange to me reflected the "humanity is a virus" view one often encounters among opponents of space exploration and settlement (and technological progress generally). I see this attitude as a (conscious or unconscious) expression of extreme biocentrism, in which all of "nature" is sacred and whole and must not be disturbed in any way, but since humans are NOT a part of this sacred natural whole, everything must be done to contain and prevent the damage they are able to do to it. I regard this as being "anti-human" because it is little more than a destructive bigotry against our species. Posted by: T.L. James at July 30, 2005 11:01 AM |